Effective Ways to Relieve Eye Strain

In the modern world, many people use screens as part of their daily lives, whether to do work or as entertainment. As a result, many people, including yours truly, are experiencing uncomfortably strained eyes each day. This blog post will help you relieve your eyes after too much screen time.

>One of the most simple, yet effective, methods to relieve eye strain is the 20-20-20 rule. Using this method, after using a computer, phone, or tablet for 20 minutes, one should stare at an object more than 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This method is recommended by doctors and clinicians treating people with DES or myopia. Used by many people worldwide, it is one of the most effective methods.

Another advisable method is to use eye drops. When looking at a screen, we tend to blink less, causing dryer eyes. In severe cases, this can lead to permanent eye damage! A simple solution is to buy a bottle of eye drops and keep it near the computer. Be sure to remember to use it often, and our eyes will thank you later.

If you’ve been using screens for a long time, whether for work or merely for entertainment, it is advised to take a break, preferably outdoors. Go outside, walk your dog, play sports, or have a snack. This will help your vision in the long term, as well as initiate self-control. Your electronic devices can be addictive, but knowing when to stop will help you a lot in the future.

So the next time your eyes feel strained from too much screen time, be sure to start using the 20-20-20 rule, eye drops, or take a break to give your eyes some relief. You’ll be thanking us later!

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