Time management is an important skill to posses as it assists with many activities required for your academic career and adulthood. With these simple tricks, you’ll be working as efficiently as a robot in no time!
In the boring life of a student, school-age students have found many ways to entertain themselves. Whether that be playing video games, watching television, or scrolling on their phones, everyone has something they do in their leisure time. However, these sources of entertainment might tempt someone into playing their video game too much, watching an unhealthy amount of television, or just spending the entire day sitting in a chair scrolling through TikTok. With more entertainment and free time, you’ll end up having less time to do your work.
Screen addictions are a major problem with not only children but also with adults. At times, it can be hard to work when video games sound so much more fun. Today, we’ll explore three great methods to explore your screen addiction: a work/reward system, alternate hobbies, and device isolation.
Let’s say you have to create a 20-slide presentation and practice presenting within a month. Your plan? Work 20 minutes a day. While this may seem like a valid goal and plan, this is actually an unpredictable plan that could very well end in failure. For example, what if you’re caught up in other projects and events, and can’t create room in your schedule? An important part that this plan is missing is a progress tracker. In a long-term plan with many unpredictable variables, like the ones given in our example, one needs to implement time management tools.
Managing time - the enemy of students everywhere. Students will sink under the stress of homework and extracurriculars building up if they can manage their time. With more and more competitive college admissions, being able to do more work in less time is a skill that every good student has mastered. By doing more work in less time, students will clear up their schedules, relieve stress, and be more productive.
Timers are the most underused tool that people ignore, but it actually is very helpful. Why? Timers help people plan their day and remind them when to start a new activity, take a break, or get back to work. Using Timer Master, you can use the timer feature to set yourself breaks, allot time for different activities, and reduce the stress on your daily life. Here are some other ways to use your timer effectively:
In the modern world, many people use screens as part of their daily lives, whether to do work or as entertainment. As a result, many people, including yours truly, are experiencing uncomfortably strained eyes each day. This blog post will help you relieve your eyes after too much screen time.